ICS 2016 - June 1st-3rd in Istanbul, TURKEY

Call for Workshops

Tutorial and Workshop Day, May 31st, 2016

Workshop proposals are solicited for ICS-2016, Istanbul, Turkey. Workshops will be held on Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 just before the technical sessions (June 1st-3rd 2016).

Proposals in the interplay between: programming languages, computer architecture, operating systems, and user interfaces to deal with power, performance, resilience, and programmer productivity issues in emerging areas such as data-centers and cloud computing, systems based on non-volatile memory technologies, large scale data analysis, smart infrastructure, and extreme scale computing are encouraged.

Submission Procedures

Please include in your proposal:

Please send proposals to Ramon Bertran (rbertra@us.ibm.com), Alper Buyuktosunoglu (alperb@us.ibm.com) and Smail Niar (smail.niar@univ-valenciennes.fr) via email.

Feel free to contact Ramon Bertran, Alper Buyuktosunoglu or Smail Niar if you have any questions about the suitability of a workshop for ICS 2016 or for any other related matters.

Important Dates

Proposal submission: February 26, 2016 AOE
Notification of acceptance: March 4, 2016 AOE
Workshop date: May 31, 2016

Call for Tutorials

Tutorial and Workshop Day, May 31st, 2016

Tutorial proposals are solicited for ICS-2016, Istanbul, Turkey. Tutorials will be held on Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 just before the technical sessions (June 1st-3rd 2016).

Proposals for both half-day and full-day tutorials are solicited on any topic that is relevant to the ICS audience. Tutorials that focus on tools and techniques that enable research across layers of the computational stack are strongly encouraged.

Tutorials may have one of the following goals:

Submission Procedures

Proposals should provide the following information:

Proposals should be submitted via e-mail to Ramon Bertran (rbertra@us.ibm.com), Alper Buyuktosunoglu (alperb@us.ibm.com) and Smail Niar (smail.niar@univ-valenciennes.fr), with the subject "ICS'16 Tutorial Proposal". Submissions will be acknowledged via e-mail.

Important Dates

Proposal submission: February 26, 2016 AOE
Notification of acceptance: March 4, 2016 AOE
Tutorial date: May 31, 2016